Northwell Ventures Presents: Neteera makes checking vital signs easier for patients and professionals
As a known industry leader and innovator, Northwell Ventures is always looking for unique and noteworthy ways to deliver better healthcare to our patients while making care easier for our staff. The most recent example of that kind of innovative thinking can be found in our latest collaboration with Neteera Technologies.
Neteera is a startup looking to revolutionize the way we obtain vital signs. Specifically, Neteera has pioneered a new sensing technology, a chip based on high-resolution, high-frequency radar which enable a previously unimaginable understanding of our environment in a reliable, efficient and safe manner. Think of it as a connection between the analog and digital ecosystems. This exciting technology has even been road tested in driverless cars and to aide NASA Astronauts.
The chip can be used almost anywhere and can be placed in a patient’s chair or bed to monitor their vital signs wirelessly without any sensors touching the body. This allows for consistent, reliable monitoring of patients so nurses won’t have to check on them as often. Even more exciting, patients won’t know that they are having their vital signs checked, so they can get more sleep which is an essential element in their healing process. This technology is currently being tested in a Northwell Health sleep study to prove its effectiveness in healthcare, led by Northwell Health clinician Dr. Greenberg.
Though this work is happening at Northwell Health, the impact will be global. Northwell Ventures’ interest in Neteera was sparked by our partnership with the Israeli Innovation Arm and with the State of Israel. After getting the information, “we had Northwell’s respective clinical and operations team vet and try out the products/technology to see if we will pilot or deploy them for the benefit of our patients,” said Todd Goldstein PhD, Director, 3D Printing & Innovation and Instructor in Orthopedic Research Lab at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research. Neteera’s global roots are further proof of Northwell Health’s Truly Innovative mission to gain and share innovative and disruptive technology to benefit our patients and patients all over the world.
Learn more about Northwell Ventures’ other initiatives here.
This post is part of a series focusing on the Truly Innovative concepts and technologies brought to life by Northwell Ventures. We invest in companies that will generate strategic returns- creating products that meet healthcare needs now and in the future. Northwell Ventures showcases our investment in unique and noteworthy innovations that will impact our work and the health of all.
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