Five tips to ace your next virtual interview
As times change the needs of the companies do as well. In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in companies relying on online platforms to conduct candidate interviews. Recruiters actively utilize video conferencing now more than ever to engage and reach a more diverse, global group of prospective hires. For you, the prospective hire, it can give you an advantage if and only if you take it as seriously as you would an actual in-person interview. Northwell Health has prepared a number of tips to help you master the virtual interview so you’re confident and prepared to take on the next step in your professional career.

First things first, considering virtual interviews happen online, it is essential that your online connection is strong. There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of explaining why you’re the perfect candidate and the recruiter is met with grainy, pixelated images of you, or worst case, a dropped call. To avoid this, test your equipment beforehand. It may even be helpful to have a friend try a mock interview just so you’re aware of what the person on the other end of the call experiences throughout the process.

Now that you’re all set with your technology, what do you wear? It’s best to dress as if you’re walking into an actual office to conduct your interview. Dressing professionally isn’t only expected, but it also shows the recruiter that though you are home, you made an extra effort to make sure you made a quality first impression. Trust us, that goes a long way.

On to where you take the call. Most interviewees prefer to take the call from home, that way they are able to have more control of their environment than if they were at a coffee shop or even a library. If you do field the call from someplace else outside of your home, be sure it’s someplace quiet. You would hate to repeat yourself for your recruiter because they couldn’t hear you over a coffee grinder or the latest music from your second favorite band playing in the background.

Find the perfect spot. As much as it may be tempting to be as comfortable as possible seeing as most likely you’ll be taking this call from home, sitting at a desk or a table is much better than sitting on your bed. A tabletop provides the feel as if you’re sitting across from the person asking you questions and even helps keep your posture focused and your mindset on what’s in front of you.

Now that you’ve tested your equipment, figured out what to wear, where to go, and where to sit, it’s time to make sure you’re prepared. And though this process may be a bit different from what you may or may not be used to, it’s important you treat this the same as you would a regular interview. Come into the interview with questions you may have about the organization, a brief elevator pitch about your experience, how you feel you can add value to the team, and what you’re hoping to get out of your experience altogether. The more you’ve prepared, the more relaxed and confident you’ll be.
Follow these tips and set yourself up for success on your next call on others in the future. And if you’re interested in redefining health, Northwell Health has plenty of opportunities. Be sure to take a look at careers by clicking here.
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